Thursday, July 16, 2009

Chapter Four - Part 2

Cameras off.

"A.I. for the robots that do the dirty work. That is what Grinders do... we think we are playing against other gamers across the planet and all we are is artificial intelligence for un-manned killing machines?"

Kilo smiled, I was getting really sick of his smile, "You think this is funny?"

"Where are you going with this Gank?" His smile was smaller, more of a smirk.

"I want to know as much as possible before I make up my mind."

"Yeah... A. I. - artificial intel for the robots, feel better or worse for the info?" He was smiling big again.

"What do you want kid? You can't argue the point with anyone but me, and where can that go?" His amusement was no longer apparent. "You re-spawn into an un-manned drone when you go air borne and re-spawn onto a ground device again when your choices in the field call for it. The game program shows you getting into a plane or a tank when you choose to go there... but actually you, as the A.I. is simply transferred from robot to robot whether it is two legged, or flying, or otherwise."

I must have had a look on my face that meant the info wasn't connecting, "Look Kid, let give you an example... in real life, you have un-manned flyers dwelling above the kill zone... in the game the Grinder sees a plane sitting on the ground and jumps inside it to deliver death from above. To him, in the game he seems to take off... but actually the program is just making the transition to allow his attack from above. As soon as he delivers the destruction from above it shows on his visor that he has been shot down and he re-spawns into his character probably the same robot that he was in before he went airborne. The drone either goes home to reload or continues in the area until the next use."

He waited, putting his dinner debris on his tray. Finally he said "Man... I wish things were different, I wish there were no need to... well, we can wish all day... or we can fill our hands with hope."

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