Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chapter Two - Part 6

"Why would 'they' want to kill over ninety percent of the world's population?" I wasn't in fear of the shut off cameras and made quote gestures with both hands when I said "they".

"Control Kid... that, and an abundance of everything for everybody, but especially those in power. Once the masses are culled the control of those that remain will be based on two things; fear and comfort. If those "keepers" do what they are told they will be more than just comfortable, if not..."

He looked again at his comlink then started talking faster, "I know you don't know anything about God... the games you play that even have a mention of any kind of God or super natural beings are either just superstitions or evil monsters, but are never given any real treatment."

"There are whole cultures out there that we are wiping out... and among them is the faith our parents gave their lives for... and I will too when my time comes." A tear fell from his eye as he glanced again at his com.

"What do you want from me?" I can't recall now ever being so confused or scared, I was feeling myself break out in a cold sweat.

"All I want is for you to consider the possibility of an escape... so far everything I have laid out is standard for anybody we are trying to send out to flush the enemy, I helped develope this method specifically to protect myself should you not want to do this and want to turn me in. We are out of time... just think about it. You and me are good either way."

The camera pointed at me came back online.

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