Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chapter Three - Part 3

A series of comparative stats began populating on my com, I asked, "What do these mean there aren't any specif..."

"Specifics, yeah I know, when we are done here you will know what each of those numbers are and what they mean, but when anyone else monitors..." he gestured to the camera across the table, "your comlink they won't be able to tell, they will probably just look like a glitch in the system."

He was finished with his food and pouring more coffee from the carafe and said, "What you see in the first set of green characters are the projected probability percentile numbers of survival as an escapee. What you see in blue are the numbers for survival as a GM program director at the top, which is the most likely scenario for you if you decide to stay. At least that is what I have planned as a contingency. And the rest of the blue stats are lower level options if you choose to remain here and don't want to be a head honcho."

"Wait, wait, wait... What about all the peeps of faith that you have flushed and pwned through the other escapees?"

He stopped, his tears began to flow as though a dam had burst, through his convulsions he said, "Kid... we, don't get to choose what we are gonna be when we are brought in here from the outside, I wouldn't have chosen to be a Flusher. You don't know the promises I made to Mom and Dad..." He hesitated wiping his eyes.

His whole person seemed to be up in his reddened face as he continued, "I have tried to concentrate my efforts on killing our Brothers and Sisters in Christ because their life after death is set.

Because flushing out the rebels who are not saved seals their eternity in hell.

Because I had to prove to them..." he gestured again to the camera, "for both our sakes but especially for the potential of your salvation that I had left our parents demographic profile behind."

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